Monday, August 11, 2008

Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Extraction Techniques for Isolating Flavor Compounds from Foods

1. Dynamic Headspace Extraction
Advantages: Rapid analysis, sensitivity, minimal equipment investment, ability to analyze sample with traditional GC.
Disadvantages: Sample must be in liquid state, inherent analytical limitation to compounds that do not co-elute with solvent, contamination by culture medium, presence of solvent impurity peaks.

2. Static Headspace Extraction
Advantages: Minimal sample preparation, simplicity, rapidity, use of little or no solvent, inexpensive.
Disadvantages: Restricted to analysis of volatiles and concentrated compounds that elicit strong detector response, does not detect poorly volatile compounds.

3. Solid Phase Extraction
Advantages: Cleaner extract, easier to automate, higher recoveries for polar compounds.
Disadvantages: Incomplete removal of interferences, low recovery of analytes, high variability in results.

4. Solid Phase Micro-extraction
Advantages: Simple, time saving, high screening, high throughput, eliminates environmental hazards.
Disadvantages: High selectivity of SPME fibers towards chemicals, lack of robustness, low reproducibility of results due to ageing of fiber, presents problems in quantitative measurements.

5. Steam Distillation
Advantages: Low cost, simple.
Disadvantages: Time consuming, high temperatures used may alter compounds.

6. Supercritical Fluid Extraction
Advantages: Good quality extract, efficient, selective, minimized product degradation, eliminates solvent residues.
Disadvantages: High cost, technical skills required.

7. Direct Solvent Extraction
Advantages: Simple, no complex equipment, controlled recovery, large selectivity and flexibility.
Disadvantages: Emulsion formation, not efficient, loss of compounds, complicated, laborious, pre-concentration step required.

8. High Vacuum Distillation
Advantages: Low-cost, high throughput, reduces thermal hazard, efficient, purity of distillate.
Disadvantages: Time-consuming, requires technical skill.

9. Dialysis
Advantage: High purification.
Disadvantages: High cost, technical skill required, time-consuming, large samples needed, loss of raw materials, concentration of dialysates required.


Anonymous said...

Which extraction technique would be best for extracting flavor compounds in fermented milk products?

Anonymous said...

I believe the headspace extraction is best for dairy flavor extraction because it is mostly used in analytical labs and allows for good quality control of the product.

Anonymous said...

Headspace extraction is easy to use, requires small sample volumes, and is an efficient method for the extraction of short-chained fatty acids, which are volatile and responsible for the characteristic flavor of some food products. E.g Goat milk cheese, butter, etc.

Anonymous said...

The appropriate analytical technique largely depends on what one looking to accomplish really. Sometimes one can utilize more than one extraction method for the same food products, like in the extraction of fat based flavors and fermentation flavors.

automated spe said...

Nice Post. yes there are some good techniques of different extractions.

Unknown said...

Excellent post!
Thanks for sharing this informative post....
Extraction system